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Tots els llibres, documents i revistes que formen aquesta biblioteca són d'accés públic i gratuït i es poden descarregar de manera íntegra. La selecció l'hem centrada en tot allò que tracta el continent africà i l'Islam. Només hi ha una secció i està ordenada alfabèticament.
La biblioteca es va ampliant periòdicament i està oberta a les vostres col.laboracions. [+ informació]
Todos los libros, documentos y revistas que forman esta biblioteca son de acceso público y gratuito y pueden descargarse de manera íntegra. La selección la centramos en todo aquello que trate el continente africano y el Islam. Sólo hay una sección y está ordenada alfabéticamente.
La biblioteca se amplia periódicamente y està abierta a vuestras colaboraciones. [+ información]

All the following books, papers and journals from this library are free, public and full text to download. We focus the selection on Africa and Islam subjects. There's only one main section, alphabetically classified.
The library is growing periodically and it's open to your suggestions and collaboration. [+ info]
Ouvrages diponibles en ligne dans leur intégralité! Tous les livres, documents et revues de cette bibliothèque sont en accès public et gratuit. La sélection est focalisée sur l'Afrique et l'Islam. Il n'y a qu'une seule section, classée par ordre alphabétique.
Le contenu de la bibliothèque est destiné à s'enrichir progressivement et reste ouvert à vos propositions. [+ info]

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A-B :

Heribert Adam and Kogila Moodley:
The Opening of the Apartheid Mind Options for the New South Africa.

University of California Press, 1993.



Said Adejumobi:
Political Parties in West Africa:
The Challenge of Democratization in Fragile States

International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 2007


Said Adejumobi:
Partis politiques en Afrique de l'Ouest
Le défi de la démocratisation dans les Etats fragiles

International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 2007


Africa Action:

For centuries, Western governments and business interests have viewed
the African continent as a source of natural resources ripe for
extraction. While states and other dominant actors in the global North
have made linking the exploitation of the region's unmatched natural
wealth to human development a public relations standard practice, the
economic benefits of mining and other resource industries still flow
overwhelmingly away from the African people. This study looks at oil in
the Niger Delta.


African Labour Research Network (ALRN):
Mining Africa: South African MNCs labour and social performances

South African companies have capitalised on the changing political environment to become key investors in the rest of Africa. This report compares three South African multinational companies operating in the African region; Gold Fields (in Ghana and South Africa), Anglogold (in Namibia, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe), and Metorex (in Zambia).

The primary focus of this report is on labour relations, labour conditions, restructuring, HIV/AIDS, health and safety, environmental issues, socially responsible investments, and other human rights issues.


African Labour Research Network (ALRN):
Gender and Labour Market Liberalisation in Africa

A number of African countries adopted and formulated structural adjustment policies with the assumption that the effects are gender-neutral. It is now generally acknowledged that women tend to suffer more and gain less from adjustment policies.

Seven labour research centres from seven African countries analysed the current economic and labour policies to see their impact on the labour force and the organised labour movement in general, and women in particular.



African Labour Research Network (ALRN):
Le NEPAD face à ses défis: Alternatives á (à) la mondialisation néo-libérale

Le réseau ALRN a accueilli une conférence, 'Le NEPAD face à ses défis: Alternatives à la mondialisation néo-libérale'. L'objectif de la conférence était de consolider les nombreuses évaluations du NEPAD en une évaluation collective. Le rôle des syndicats dans des aspects de contestation et complétants de NEPAD est particulièrement important. Ce document contient des arguments présentés par des dirigeants syndicaux et d'autres membres de divers mouvements sociaux. La conférence, un événement africain a produit une évaluation importante et a renforcé la contribution africaine du mouvement syndical au processus du développement africain et à la réponse mondiale au néo-libéralisme.


African Labour Research Network (ALRN):
Trade Unions in Africa

Trade unions in Africa is a project by the ALRN. It examines the different socio-economic conditions and labour market environment in various African countries. The aim is to compare and contrast these experiences with a view to developing common response strategies to common issues and strengthen solidarity among network members.


African Labour Research Network (ALRN):
African Social Observatory

This booklet forms part of the pilot phase of a Social Observatory Project that will monitor the conduct and impact of foreign investors in Africa. In section 1 the introduction aims to set out what foreign direct investment (FDI) is and to define the two forms in which it occurs. The second section looks at why Africa perceives FDI as important and examine the initiatives undertaken by African governments in attracting FDI. Section 3 focuses on the factors that influence/determine FDI flows and why. Section 4 discusses the actual flows of FDI in terms of regions and sectors. The fifth section deals with the costs and benefits associated with FDI while the last section contains the conclusion and recommendations regarding African policies on FDI.


African Music Journal


The International Library of African Music has its journal, African Music. African Music was established by ILAM's founder Hugh Tracey in 1954 as an annual journal for the purpose of disseminating scholarship devoted to African Music and related arts. It has the distinction of being the only scholarly journal devoted to African Music published from Africa, and also the only journal devoted to African music in existence.


African Musicology Online
An international e-journal on African Musicology

The Bureau for the Development of African Musicology (BDAM) , is a
private independent, research-oriented outfit saddled with the responsibility of
filling necessary vacuum in African Music scholarship. It consists of interested
music scholars from different parts of Africa . It has been discovered that the
development of African Musicology needs to be shouldered by Africans in
whose blood and spirit ‘the music' is real. There have been so many
misconceptions, misrepresentations and over generalizations about what African
music is. Besides, myriad of problems in the study of African Musicology need
to be tackled at the grassroot levels by the ‘owners' of the music.


African Philosophy

E-journal sponsored by the International Society for African Philosophy and Studies (ISAPS) and published by Africa Resource Center, Inc.
Articles include: Language, Culture, Science, Technology and Philosophy - Art and 'Art' in Africa: Conceptual Clarification, Confusion or Colonization? - Race and Racism in the Works of David Hume.



African Review of Books

La production de cette revue permet de mettre en avant de riches ouvres artistiques et scientifiques produites en Afrique, qui autrement, risqueraient de disparaître, faute de visibilité. L'autre objectif était de faire de cette publication à la fois un baromètre
des tendances en matière d'études africaines et un stimulateur permettant une importante élévation des standards et de la qualité.



African Writing

African Writing is a monthly print and online journal, published full colour in newspaper format in the mode of the Africa Review of Books or the New York Review of Books. It promises to be 'a leading quality, literary paper…committed to reflecting writing and literary work from all the countries, literary generations and official languages of Africa...our Africa-centred but international outlook is evident in the varied perspectives, interests and subjects of the contributors'.
poetry, short fiction, creative non-fiction, and essays



Africaneando. Revista de actualidad y experiencias

Editada por oozebap desde el año 2010, esta revista on-line y de acceso libre combina los artículos de fondo con las entrevistas, los reportajes fotográficos y las reseñas. Periodicidad trimestral.


African Studies Quarterly

The online journal of african studies
Full Articles Available, 1997-2005.
Edited by Centre of african studies, University of Florida (USA)


Afrika Zamani: revue annuelle d'histoire africaine

Nos. 9&10, 2001-2002
Nos. 7&8, 1999-2000
Nos. 5, 1997 and 6, 1998



Le site et la revue de référence des cultures africaines



Al-Andalus Magreb
Revista de estudios árabes e islámicos.
Universidad de Cádiz.
7 números (1993-1999)



Revista sobre la didáctica del árabe como lengua extranjera.


The Annual Review of Islam in South Africa (ARISA)

University of Cape Town
(5 volumes, 1998-2002)

The Centre for Contemporary Islam publishes this readable and accessible review of challenges facing Muslims in South Africa. It is compiled and edited by Aslam Farouk-Allie who invites people from all walks of life to write about their impressions on developments in religion, state, foreign affairs, crime, arts and medicine, to name but a few. The idea of ARISA is get South Africans to reflect on their experiences, and share this with others.


Muhammad Asad:
El Mensaje del Qur'an

El comentario coránico realizado por Muhammad Asad marca un hito en la difusión del Islam fuera de sus fronteras tradicionales. Este tafsir constituye un corpus de exégesis del Corán en nuestra propia lengua, indispensable para el acercamiento al texto sagrado. Contiene más de 3000 notas.


Farid al-Din Attar:
Muslim Saints and Mystics
Episodes from the Tadhkirat al-Auliya' (Memorial of the Saints)

Translated by A. J. Arberry


Baobab for Women Human Rights:

4 books:

Women's Rights in Muslim Laws
- Women's Human Rights Violation in Nigeria
- Women's Access to Justice and Personal Security in Nigeria
- Sharia implementation in Nigeria: the Journey so far


Charles Becker, Jean-Pierre Dozon, Christine Obbo et Moriba Touré (eds)
Vivre et penser le sida en Afrique
Experiencing and understanding AIDS in Africa

Codesria, Karthala & IRD, 1998
712 pages





Simon Bekker; Martine Dodds; Meshack M. Khosa (eds.): Shifting African Identities

HSRC Press, South Africa, 2001, 196pp

This volume is the second in the series, "Identity? Theory, Politics, History". It includes Neville Alexander's important study of the link between language and identity in South Africa. The other nine papers include studies of the process of identity construction in the southern African and Great Lakes regions, the Congo, Sudan and Nigeria.


Simon Bekker & Ann Leildé (eds): Reflections on Identity in Four African Cities

African Minds, South Africa, 2006. 254 pp.

Identity has become the watchword of our times. In sub-Saharan Africa, this certainly appears to be true and for particular reasons. Africa is urbanising rapidly, cross-border migration streams are swelling and globalising influences sweep across the continent. Africa is also facing up to the challenge of nurturing emergent democracies in which citizens often feel torn between older traditional and newer national loyalties. Accordingly, collective identities are deeply coloured by recent urban as well as international experience and are squarely located within identity politics where reconciliation is required between state nation-building strategies and sub-national affiliations. They are also fundamentally shaped by the growing inequality and the poverty found on this continent. These themes are explored by an international set of scholars in two South African and two Francophone cities. The relative importance to urban residents of race, class and ethnicity but also of work, space and language are compared in these cities


Kristina A Bentley; Roger Southall: An African Peace Process. Mandela, South Africa and Burundi

HSRC Press, South Africa, 2005, 240pp

This monograph outlines the origins and nature of the conflict in Burundi. It discusses the problems of establishing democracy in a region where ethnic conflict has occasioned genocide, traces the peace process in detail and assesses the prospects for the future.


Homnisphères, 2005

Quoi qu’en disent les radotages de vos théoriciens tiers-mondistes, Monsieur le Président de la République française, quoi qu’en disent les ethnologues d’un autre âge qui s’empressent autour de vous et assurent vous livrer l’âme noire toute nue, un peuple déshérité ne saurait transformer son présent ni conquérir son avenir sans élever la voix et même frapper du poing sur la table.

Dans les dispositions de l’Elysée à l’égard de l’Afrique, rien n’a changé ; c’est toujours le même choix, en faveur des dictateurs, contre les peuples. Les espérances politiques de nos peuples ont été le plus souvent soit trahies, soit mystifiées...

Les pouvoirs franco-africains organisent donc le vide, le silence morose, le côtoiement des individus, des groupes, des catégories, des ethnies, jamais leur dialogue et leur interpénétration, en un mot l’obscurantisme... Broyés par des institutions culturelles dont la fatalité est de nous aliéner, nous prétendons créer une littérature qui soit l’expression authentique de notre moi collectif.

[LIVRE (extraits)] [HTML] [FRANÇAIS]

Usman Bugaje: Writtings and lectures

Contains full text conference papers and other studies by Bugaje.
Topics include Muslims and Islam in Nigeria, women and Islam, Islamic education in Katsina State, Usman Dan Fodio, the Sokoto Caliphate, governance, education, and the Hajj, the U.S. and the Middle East...



Patrick Burnett, Shereen Karmali & Firoze Manji (Eds.):
Grace, tenacity and eloquence. The struggle for women's rights in Africa

Published by Fahamu

The traditional perception of African women is that they face grinding poverty and harsh cultural, traditional and social prejudices. Yet while it is true that African women are not equal to men, this is only one part of the story.

For in Africa, women are fighting for their rights. And they are fighting with grace, tenacity and eloquence. The contributors describe how African women won a cross-continental campaign for a protocol to protect their rights. In a rich variety of articles, they consider topics such as: women and conflict, the impact of current US policies on women's health in Africa, women's rights in Islam, and the implications of the Jacob Zuma trial for women in South Africa.



C-E :  





CAD Mali: Le Messager de Fana
Une publication de la CAD Mali (juillet 2005) pour le IVième Forum des Peuples

Avec la participation de Sebastian Alzerecca, Thomas Anfray, David Eloy (Altermondes), Tifenn Hermelin, Ibrahim Labass Keïta (Le Scorpion), Assane Koné (Le Républicain), Anne Marchand (Attac France - groupe Afrique), Ibrahim Hamani Souley (CAD-Mali).



Zeynep Çelik: Displaying the Orient.
Architecture of Islam at Nineteenth-Century World's Fairs

University of California Press, 1992.


Zeynep Çelik: Urban Forms and Colonial Confrontations. Algiers under French Rule
University of California Press, 1997.


Michael Chege:
Political Parties in East Africa.
Diversity in Political Party Systems

International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 2007



A. Chéneau-Loquay (ed.): Mondialisation et technologie de la communication en Afrique

Karthala, Paris, 2004

Sommaire et quelques contributions en ligne


Who no know go know

Chimurenga, a publication, of arts, culture and politics from and about Africa and its Diasporas, has been in print since March 2002. South Africa based and started as a quarterly, Chimurenga now appears whenever

On the main menu check the on-line section to read the articles and interviews.


Chroniques Yéménites

Consacrées à la péninsule Arabique et à la Corne de l'Afrique, les Chroniques yéménites sont une revue annuelle en langue française et arabe, éditée depuis 1993 par le Centre français d'archéologie et de sciences sociales de Sanaa (Ministère des Affaires étrangères/CNRS).
Sous la supervision d'un comité de lecture y sont regroupés des contributions scientifiques originales, des traductions et des bibliographies thématiques, relevant de toutes les disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales, de l'archéologie antique à la littérature contemporaine, en passant par l'économie, l'anthropologie ou la politique.


Citizens For Justice: We Lived To Tell. The Nyayo House Story

We lived to Tell is a book by the Citizens For Justice, which documents experiences of Kenyans who went through the infamous Nyayo House Torture Chambers. They tell harrowing stories of scary hounding by security agents, arrests, torture, jail and detention. Their experiences reveal an intolerant, oppressive and paranoid government that could not stand criticism.

Chapter 1. The colonial Era / Chapter 2. Independent Kenya / Chapter 3. Following in the footsteps / Chapter 4. The Air Force coup attempt / Chapter 5. Mwakenya / Chapter 6. We lived to tell / Chapter 7. In the dungeons - Nyayo House / Chapter 8. Life in prison / Chapter 9. Exile / Chapter 10. The role of women / Chapter 11. Picking up the pieces / Chapter 12. Aluta Continua / Chapter 13. What next


Civil Society Trade Network of Zambia: For whom the windfalls?
Winners & losers in the privatisation of Zambia's copper mines







Julia A. Clancy-Smith: Rebel and Saint.
Muslim Notables, Populist Protest, Colonial Encounters
(Algeria and Tunisia, 1800-1904)

University of California Press, 1996.


CLIO, revue francophone d'histoire des femmes
nº 6-1997: Femmes d'Afrique

Anne HUGON: La contradiction missionnaire. Discours et pratique des missionnaires méthodistes à l'égard des femmes africaines de Côte de l'Or (1835-1874)
Estelle PAGNON: " Une œuvre inutile " ? La scolarisation des filles par les missionnaires catholiques dans le Sud-Est du Nigéria (1885-1930)
Dominique BOIS: Tamatave, la cité des femmes
Ch. Didier GONDOLA: Unies pour le meilleur et pour le pire. Femmes africaines et villes coloniales : une histoire du métissage
Odile GOERG: Femmes africaines et politique : les colonisées au féminin en Afrique occidentale
Fatou SOW: Les femmes, le sexe de l'État et les enjeux du politique : l'exemple de la régionalisation au Sénégal
Sophie DULUCQ: " Visages de femmes " au miroir du cinéma d'Afrique noire (des années 1960 aux années 1990)
Pascale BARTHÉLÉMY: La formation des institutrices africaines en A.O.F. : pour une lecture historique du roman de Mariama Bâ, Une si longue lettre


Fanny Colonna: Un regard aveuglé.
Anticléricalisme par excès d'humanisme universaliste en Algérie.

Il s'agit ici de réfléchir sur l'extrême difficulté, qui semble particulière au champ français, à penser l'islam, depuis sa rencontre en Algérie, au début du XIXe siècle. L'hypothèse centrale de cette confrontation est que le statut singulier de la religion en France depuis la Révolution française, plus précisément les liens très complexes que la naissance des sciences sociales au XIXe siècle entretient avec elle, obscurcit la vision de l'islam depuis ce moment et jusqu'à aujourd'hui.

[ARTICLE, 24 pages] [ PDF] [FRANÇAIS]


Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East

Volume 24, Number 1, 2004. Duke University Press

Moving beyond the paradigmatic divides of area studies, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East explores the shared concerns and histories of these regions, offers stimulating perspectives on interdisciplinary debates, and challenges established analytic models. CSSAAME publishes articles from around the world, providing a distinctive link between scholars living and working in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia and their counterparts in Europe and the Americas.


Bassidiki COULIBALY: DU CRIME D'ETRE "NOIR": Un milliard de "Noirs" dans une prison identitaire

Homnisphères, 2006

De quelle identité peut-on se prévaloir lorsqu'on est " Noir " et que
l'on s'appelle Toussaint Louverture, Ahmad Baba, Béhanzin, Malcolm X,
Elijah Muhammad, Aimé Césaire, Cheikh Anta Diop, Frantz Fanon, Edson
Arantes do Nascimiento alias Pelé, ou Nelson Mandela ? Des " Noirs ",
on en trouve sous tous les cieux, dans tous les pays, de toutes les
religions, à tous les niveaux des hiérarchies sociales. Mais peut-on
dire " les Noirs " comme s'il s'agissait d'une espèce à part, comme
s'il s'agissait d'un conglomérat d'individus tous identiques ?
D'ailleurs, qu'est-ce qu'un " Noir " ? Qu'est-ce qu'être " Noir " ?
Qui sont " les Noirs " ?
Après avoir payé par millions de vies pour le crime d'être " Noirs ",
les " Noirs " doivent encore payer aujourd'hui pour le même crime :
ils sont toujours " Noirs " ! De quoi rendre fou l'être humain le
plus zen, de quoi faire des " Noirs " les locataires désespérés d'une
prison identitaire.

[LIVRE (extraits)] [HTML] [FRANÇAIS]

Chris Coulter, Mariam Persson & Mats Utas: Young Female Fighters in African Wars. Conflict and Its Consequences

Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2008. 51 pp.

Young women are combatants in contemporary African wars. They also participate in a whole array of different roles. However, by and large, they remain invisible to us. In fact, our hackneyed 'Northern' views on women's innate non-participation in war prevent us from seeing the specific needs of young women during and in the aftermath of wars.
Issues of stigma, safe demobilization, and individual concerns about post-war marriage, health and education need to be addressed both in a more gendered way, and with an appropriate understanding
of young women's agency in both peace and war. In this Policy dialogue it is argued that to improve policy and programming efforts it is necessary to broaden the understanding of young women's roles and participation in armed conflict in Africa historically and today.


Courrier de la Planète n. 79 (janvier-mars 2006):
"Afrique: (re)penser le politique"

Parole est donnée dans ce numéro à de nombreux chercheurs africains, notamment non francophones, afin d'exposer des idées trop peu relayées ici. Un choix délibéré qui, du coup, ouvre la voie à certaines critiques en règle de thèses développées par des chercheurs " africanistes " (sur l'" Etat criminel " par exemple).

Sommaire et quelques contributions en ligne


Catherine Cross; Derik Gelderblom; Niel Roux; Jonathan Mafukidze (eds.): Views on Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa. Proceedings of an African Migration Alliance Workshop

HSRC Press, South Africa, 2006, 304pp

Migration by the poor is a scorching issue in the world today - both inside their own countries and on the international scene, the world's poor are voting with their feet to escape poverty and make their bid for new lives in new places. Public anxiety is reaching fever pitch in the developed world, xenophobia is spreading, and governments everywhere are struggling to mobilize policies that will enable them to respond humanely and effectively to a rising human tide. How does Africa stand on migration?


Cultures & Conflits

Revue trimestrielle de science politique, Cultures & Conflits se propose d'analyser les différentes expressions de la conflictualité dans tout son spectre : qu'il s'agisse de la dissuasion, des guerres, des révolutions, de la répression d'Etat ou d'autres formes de violence labelisées comme "terrorisme", "criminalité mafieuse", "guérilla", "émeutes urbaines", "lutte contre les conflits de basse intensité", jusqu'aux formes plus subtiles mais bien réelles de violence symbolique : domination culturelle, effets de discours et de langage ...


Amady Aly Dieng: Hegel et l'Afrique Noire
Hegel était-il raciste?

Codesria, Dakar, 2004,
140 pages

Depuis 1978, la position de Hegel à l'égard de l'Afrique noire est très discutée. Le philosophe de Berlin a été traité de raciste. C'est l'opinion qui domine chez la plupart des chercheurs européens et africains. Mais une telle affirmation mérite d'être révisée à la suite de la thèse d'Etat soutenue en 1990 à l'Université de Paris I par un philosophe africain, Pierre Franklin Tavarès. La lecture attentive de cette thèse devrait amener beaucoup de chercheurs à nuancer leur pensée sur l'attitude de Hegel sur l'Afrique noire. " La question Hegel " en Afrique ou ce que Guy Planty-Bonjour appelle " les question africaines de l'hégélianisme " n'est pas seulement d'ordre théorique, mais également pratique.
Des historiens, des hommes de lettres, des hommes politiques, des sociologues et quelquefois, même des philosophes africains se sont dépêchés de traiter Hegel de raciste à la suite de leur seule lecture des Leçons de la philosophie de l'histoire qui est une oeuvre posthume publiée sur la base des notes de ses étudiants.


Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review
Volume 18, Number 1, January 2002. Michigan State University Press.

The Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review is an internationally refereed interdisciplinary journal that serves as a regional forum for critical reflection and discourse on the economic, political, and social aspects as well as development concerns of the countries in Eastern and Southern Africa. It is the major African
social science journal with a region-wide coverage that publishes scholarly articles, book reviews, research notes, and communications.
Edited by Alfred G. Nhema.


Egerö, Bertil :
Colonization and Migration
A Summary of Border-Crossing Movements in Tanzania before 1967

Published by Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
Research Report 52, 1979



Collectif Esclavage: ESCLAVES NOIRS, MAITRES BLANCS. Quand la mémoire de l'opprimé s'oppose à la mémoire de l'oppresseur
Homnisphères, 2006

Sous la direction de Aggée C. Lomo MYAZHIOM avec les contributions de
: Christiane TAUBIRA, Henri BANGOU, Auguste ARMET, Yoporeka SOMET,
Kofi Adu MANYAH, Aimé CESAIRE, Buata MALELA, Cyr-Henri CHELIM,

Par son ampleur et sa durée, son étendue dans l'espace (Afrique,
Europe, Amérique, Asie) mais aussi et surtout par ses conséquences,
la traite atlantique est une question capitale qui, au-delà du peuple
noir, concerne et interpelle la conscience humaine.
Légalisée par le Code noir de Colbert en 1685, soutenue par la
papauté, pensée, argumentée et justifiée par les philosophes des
Lumières, la traite atlantique érigea en système une économie-monde
capitaliste (avant l'heure) basée sur l'instinct de prédation,
l'appât du gain et le principe de chosification de l'Homme par
Reconnus comme un crime contre l'humanité en France depuis 2001, la
traite négrière transatlantique et l'esclavage représentent une
lourde page de l'histoire de l'humanité et appellent un travail de

mémoire et de justice.

[LIVRE (extraits)] [HTML] [FRANÇAIS]

Volume 46.4, Fall 1999. Duke University Press.

Ethnohistory emphasizes the joint use of documentary materials and ethnographic or archaeological data, as well as the combination of historical and anthropological approaches, in the study of social and cultural processes and history. The journal has established a strong reputation for its studies of the history of native peoples in the Americas and in recent years has expanded its focus to cultures and societies throughout the world.


Abel Ezeoha and Chibuike Uche:
South Africa, NEPAD and the African Renaissance

Leiden: African Studies Centre, ASC Working Paper no. 64, 2005.


F-I :  

Naser I. Faruqui, Asit K. Biswas, and Murad J. Bino (eds.): Water management in Islam
IDRC/UNU Press 2001, 170 pp.

In the Middle East and North Africa, water is rapidly becoming the key development issue. In response, policymakers have proposed or tried to implement policies such as higher water tariffs or privatization, but have done so without considering local culture and values. Yet culture, including religion, clearly influences how people perceive and manage a resource such as water, and must be considered during policy development.

This book presents Islamic perspectives on a number of proposed water-management policies, including water demand management, wastewater reuse, and fair pricing. The book opens avenues for a wider dialogue amongst researchers working at identifying the most promising water management policies, adds to our knowledge of some of the influences on formal policy and informal practice, and makes these ideas available to a broader public. It dispels common misconceptions about the Islamic view on water-management practices, such as selling water and wastewater reuse, and serves as a concrete example of the benefit of examining development in the context of values and culture.


ITCH Magazine

ITCH is a South-African born, internationally relevant online/offline
magazine that publishes verbal and visual creative work. Work
published includes non-fiction (book reviews, essays, polemic),
narrative and poetry, as well as visual work in any medium.
Submissions can include audio files (e.g., poetry recitals) and video
(short films, animations, etc.).


Feminist Africa

Feminist Africa is a publication of the African Gender Institute and the continental Feminist Studies Network. Initiated in 2001, and currently hosted at the African Gender Institute at the University of Cape Town, it is produced by an editorial team in conjunction with an international editorial advisory group drawn from the feminist scholarly community.

Feminist Africa is a unique forum for progressive, cutting-edge feminist intellectual dialogue and gender research on the African continent. It offers a space for theoretical and strategic debates that challenge the prevailing technocratic approaches to global development, and the reductionism of economic and policy approaches that neglect the lived realities, ingenuity and cultural production of Africa's diverse and dynamic peoples. Feminist Africa challenges the shared continental history of exploitation and marginalisation by attending to the complex cultures of resistance and local strategy that characterise the postcolonial era, while at the same time remaining attentive to the shifting global geopolitical configurations of power.


José Luis de la Flor:
"Las políticas de lucha contra el VIH/sida en África Subsahariana como parte integrante del régimen internacional de cooperación a la salud"



Nomboniso Gasa (eds): Basus'iimbokodo, Bawel'imilambo / They remove boulders and cross rivers. Women in South African History

HSRC Press, South Africa, 2006, 536pp

In this fascinating collection, full of different textures, narratives and nuances, sixteen authors have begun to tackle the task of writing South Africa's history from an overtly feminist perspective, giving readers an opportunity to understand and reflect on debates about real women's power in completely new and fresh ways.


James L Gibson: Overcoming Apartheid. Can truth reconcile a divided nation?

HSRC Press, South Africa, 2004, 484pp

Drawing on one of the most comprehensive surveys of post-apartheid attitudes to date, and employing innovative conceptual and methodological tools, Gibson's analysis offers both encouraging and disheartening insights into the success of the truth and reconciliation process. This is a major contribution to the literature on transitional justice and conflict resolution.


Kenneth Good: Bushmen and Diamonds. (Un)Civil Society in Botswana

Published by Nordiska Afrikainstitutet

Discussion Papers, 11/2003


Michael Gorkin and Rafiqa Othman: Three Mothers, Three Daughters.
Palestinian Women's Stories
University of California Press, 1994.


Jean-Paul Gouteux: Un génocide sans importance. La France et le Vatican au Rwanda
(Tahin Party, 2001)

Le génocide rwandais, plus d'un million de morts d'avril à juin 1994, reste environné de ce flou qui caractérise, pour l'opinion publique, la politique française en Afrique.
Comme si les massacres sur le continent noir étaient des événements endémiques inévitables et incompréhensibles.
Au contraire, ce génocide n'a été ni spontané ni imprévisible, mais il a bien été préparé et organisé, tant en France qu'au Rwanda.
Pour la Françafrique, tous les moyens sont bons pour garder le contrôle de l'Afrique.
Et ce million de meurtres n'aurait pas eu lieu sans le soutien indéfectible des décideurs français, militaires et politiques, jusqu'au plus haut échelon de l'Etat.
Nous connaissons ces criminels français: ce sont nos élus.
Ce livre, paru en juin 2001, est malheureusement épuisé mais reste téléchargeable.


Greenpeace: Réforme du secteur forestier : échec au Cameroun, pillage annoncé en République Démocratique du Congo


Adrian Hadland (ed.): Changing the Fourth Estate: Essays on South African journalism

HSRC Press, South Africa, 2005, 256pp

South African journalism has been fortunate in recent decades to have editors, writers and practitioners of the highest order working within its ranks. Some, like radio talk show host John Perlman and cartoonist Zapiro, are household names. Others are less well-known, but work quietly and effectively behind the scenes, bringing years of experience and skill to bear on their art. Until the publication of this book, few have taken the time to sit down and spell out the do's and don'ts of their particular specialty, gained often after a lifetime of trial and error.


Adrian Hadland; Mike Aldridge; Joshua Ogada (eds): Re-Visioning Television. Policy, Strategy and Models for the Sustainable Development of Community Television in South Africa

HSRC Press, South Africa, 2006, 232pp

The introduction of a quality, accessible local television network represents the final piece in post-apartheid South Africa's media jigsaw. With legislation and policy now in place, the fitting of the last piece is imminent. The race is now on to develop models and fine-tune systems that will make the most powerfully democratic tier of broadcast media sustainable, empowering and development friendly.


Riffat Hassan: Selected Writings

- Religious Human Rights in the Qur'an

- Women in Islam: Body, Mind and Spirit

- Members, One of Another: Gender Equality and Justice in Islam

- Religious conservatism: feminist theology as a means of combating injustice toward women in Muslim communities/culture

- Women engaging in bridge-building. The context for bridge-building between Muslims and non-Muslims in the aftermath of September 11, 2001

- From Re-Active to Pro Active - The Challenge for Muslim Women on the road from Cairo to Beijing

- Islam and human rights in Pakistan: a critical analysis of the positions of three contemporary women


Anri Herbst (ed.): Emerging Solutions: For musical arts education in Africa

African Minds, South Africa, 2005. 358 pp.

Emerging Solutions for Musical arts Education in South Africa offers peer-reviewed articles prepared for the 2003 Conference of the Pan African Society for Musical Arts Education in Africa held in Kisumu, Maseno, Kenya.
Not only does this publication voice the solutions offered by 31 authors from the African continent and beyond, but it presents in a unique and highly accessible fashion the collective voice of the conference participants.
True to the spirit of ubuntu - an individual is only a person through other people (their communities) - this publication is a reflection of the essence of an overarching sub-Saharan philosophy; the contents represents a conference where papers were not presented, but where conference participants engaged to discuss solutions for the musical arts on the African continent.
While the individual voice has been given its rightful place, the collective voice represents an emergent song composed by the scholarly community in oral fashion.
This publication provides insight into the problems of musical arts education in Africa; and solutions for musical arts education.


Denis Herbstein: White Lies. Canon Collins and the secret war against apartheid

HSRC Press, South Africa, 2004, 408 pp

This is the story of one man's single-minded, unremitting, always creative, campaign to provide material support to South Africa's liberation struggle, assisting leaders like Nelson Mandela and ordinary township and rural activists, as well as families who suffered because their loved ones were political prisoners, had fled into exile or been killed by the apartheid regime.


Michael Herrmann and Haider A. Khan:
Rapid Urbanization, Employment Crisis and Poverty in African LDCs:
A New Development Strategy and Aid Policy

MPRA Paper No. 9499, July 2008

Rapid urbanisation is a fact of live even in the least developed countries where the lion's share of the population presently lives in rural areas and will continue to do so for decades to come.


Sélection IBN'ARABI

Ibn 'Arabi: La parure des Abdal (Hilyatu al Abdal)


Ibn 'Arabi: Le livre de l'extinction dans la contemplation
(Kitab al fana' fi al muchahada)



Ibn 'Arabi: Conseil à un ami (Wasiyat)


Ibn 'Arabi: Les secrets du jeûne
(extraits des Illuminations Mecquoises - Al Futuhat al Makiyat)

[LIVRE (extraits)] [HTML] [FRANÇAIS]


Ibn 'Arabi: L'interprète des désirs (Turjman al Ashwaq)


Ibn 'Arabi What the seeker needs (Kitab Kunh ma la budda minhu lil-murid
(translated by Tosun Bayrak)
[LIVRE (extraits)] [HTML] [ENGLISH]


Claude Addas: Ibn Arabî et le voyage sans retour
Paris, Seuil, 1996. [Extraits html]
[LIVRE (extraits)] [HTML] [FRANÇAIS]


Identité, culture et politique / Identity, Culture and Politics

La revue " Identité, Culture et Politique: un dialogue Afro-asiatique est une publication bi-annuelle du Conseil pour le Développement de le Recherche en Sciences Sociales en Afrique (CODESRIA) à Dakar au Sénégal et de l'International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES)à Colombo au Sri Lanka. Son but est de favoriser la dissémination des connaissances et les échanges d'idées et de réflexions entre les
chercheurs et activistes africains et asiatiques.


Ijele: Art eJournal of the African World

Online journal of contemporary art and architecture, art history and criticism, focusing exclusively on the visual creative expressions of artists in Africa and other regions of the world. As well, it also highlights the work of non-African / non-Diaspora artists who use iconography and symbolisms derived from any of the artistic traditions of Africa.
Ijele: Art eJournal provides a forum for scholarly articles of the highest quality, and is devoted to making a major contribution to the advancement of African art studies in universities all over the world. Interviews that illumine the creative politics and philosophy of artists are especially welcome.


Ìrìnkèrindò: a Journal of African Migration

The journal is devoted to the study of African migration and immigration to other parts of the world.
Ìrìnkèrindò is Yorùbá for incessant Wanderings or Travels. To our minds, the word, Ìrìnkèrindò captures the essence of past, contemporary, and future migrations and immigration of Africansaround the continent, and from the continent to other lands.



ISIM (The International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World): Publications

The ISIM produces several publications, its principle publication being the ISIM Review. Apart from institutional news the ISIM Review carries research articles by scholars throughout the world, enabling its readers to follow trends in research and offering background information on current developments and events relevant to Islam and Muslim societies.

The name of the ISIM Newsletter has been changed to the ISIM Review to more accurately reflect the publication's objective of providing a review of debates and research on contemporary Muslim societies and communities in an accessible manner to a broad readership.


J-L :  

Wilmot James: Africa in the Age of Biology

HSRC Press, South Africa, 2004

This paper was presented as the first annual John Gerhart Memorial Lecture at the conference of the Africa Genome Initiative held in Cairo in March 2004. In Africa in the Age of Biology, Dr James discusses Africa's long history of scientific, technological and mathematical enterprise, from tokens of the very earliest counting by humans to the sum of knowledge brought to bear in the construction of the pyramids.


Siri Lange, Hege Wallevik, Andrew Kiondo: Civil Society in Tanzania

Chr. Michelsen Institute, 2000


John M. Janzen: Ngoma. Discourses of Healing in Central and Southern Africa

University of California Press, 1992.


Jenda, Journal of Culture and African Women Studies

Jenda documents and responds to debates on women's history and studies in
African social, cultural, political, and economic systems. It creates
a forum for African women scholars, analysts and activists to
participate on an equal footing with their contemporaries worldwide
in debates, exchanges of ideas, and the creation and documentation of


Jinadu, L. Adele:
Explaining & Managing Ethnic Conflict in Africa:
Towards a Cultural Theory of Democracy

Claude Ake Memorial Paper Series (CAMP)
Uppsala universitet/Department of Peace and Conflict Research


Journal of African Media Studies

The Journal of African Media Studies (JAMS) is a new interdisciplinary
journal that provides a forum for debate on the historical and
contemporary aspects of media and communication in Africa. It hereby
aims to contribute to the on-going re-positioning of media and
cultural studies outside the Anglo-American axis.


Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies

Volume I 1996-97. Edited by Joseph Norment Bell with Petr Zemánek.
Volume II 1998-99. Edited by Joseph Norment Bell.
Volume III 2000. Edited by Joseph Norment Bell.
Volume IV 2001-2002. Edited by Joseph Norment Bell with Agostino Cilardo and Stefan Leder.
Volume V 2003. Edited by Joseph Norment Bell.


Journal of men, masculinities and spirituality

JMMS is an online, scholarly, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal.


JRS - Journal of Refugee Studies

Archive of All Online Issues: 1996 - June 2005
The journal provides a major focus for refugee research, and reflects the diverse range of perspectives on refugee issues the content is multidisciplinary. It promotes the theoretical development of refugee studies, innovative, analytical or methodological approaches, reappraisals of current concepts, polices and practice, and encourages the voice of refugees to be represented by analysis of their experiences, as well as publishing articles by host-country
practitioners and researchers. Contributions are welcomed from field practitioners to the development of new perspectives on refugee populations. See site for further details and current tables of contents listings.


Jouvert: a journal of postcolonial studies

Jouvert is a refereed, multi-disciplinary journal published online tri-annually. It thus offers a widely accessible--indeed, international--forum for the interrogation of textual, cultural and political postcolonialisms. While we do not conceive of the journal as a means to homogenize a necessarily and productively diverse field of study, we do think that Jouvert can stage discussions spanning different cultural locations and theoretical interests. If these discussions seek to displace the "colonial" as master signifier, they also recognize the persistent power of neocolonial practices, the continuing need for alternate discourses, and the increasingly complex intersections of race, class, gender and nation.


Kanyinga, Karuti: Re-Distribution from Above
The politics of land rights and squatting in coastal Kenya

Published by Nordiska Afrikainstitutet

Research Report 115, 2000

Using empirical evidence collected from the coastal district of Kenya, an area with a long history of private land ownership which is also situated in a country with one of the most comprehensive efforts at land tenure reform dating from the colonial period, this report challenges the key assumptions of the proponents of land indivualization. In so doing, the author not only points to the many dysfunctionalities associated with land privatisation, including the numerous conflicts it generates on account of the dispossessions and landlessness associated with it, it also reinforces the growing critique that customary land tenure is far more complex and flexible than its critics are prepared to concede.



Al-Karmel magazine published in Palestine in Arabic, chief in editor Mahmoud Darwish.




Marwan Khawaja and Age A. Tiltnes (eds.): On the Margins
Migration and Living Conditions of Palestinian Camp Refugees in Jordan

Fafo-report 357, 2002, 210p.

"On the Margins" takes a closer look at the living conditions of the Palestinian camp population of Jordan and presents statistics on a number of topics central to their welfare, such as population and migration, housing, education, health, work, and income. The analysis is based on survey data obtained from interviews of about 3,000 refugee families.


Ahmadou Kourouma: l'héritage

Cahier spécial
Identités littéraires (n°155-156/juillet-décembre 2004)

Revue d'actualité et de critique littéraire créée en 1969, la revue Notre Librairie s'est spécialisée dans l'étude des littératures produites par les auteurs originaires d'Afrique, des Caraïbes et de l'océan Indien.

ES, 82 pages] [ PDF] [FRANÇAIS]

Dídac P. Lagarriga: Hip hop a l'Àfrica. Recorreguts i maneres
(oozebap, 2006)


Shaker Laibi: Soufisme et Art visuel: iconographie du sacré

(Paris, L'Harmattan, 1998)

[LIVRE (extraits)] [HTML] [FRANÇAIS]

Robert Launay: Beyond the Stream. Islam and Society in a West African Town

University of California Press, 1992.



En proposant une prise en compte de ces cultures nées dans l'entre-deux, la revue Lianes pense actualiser une démarche entreprise, par d'autres médias tout en essayant de pousser plus en avant le questionnement sur le phénomène intéressant de la rencontre. Il s'agit de prêter plus d'attention aux différences, aux valeurs du Moi et de l'Autre en évitant le réflexe tribal, essentialiste. Les Lianes expriment un troisième lieu où s'entrecroisent les différences. C'est le lieu dynamique d'une confrontation qui nourrit le regard et le projet de société. Il est à travers une diversité de rubriques que Lianes compte toucher le plus large public possible: articles critiques, interviews, enquêtes, pages culture et notes de lecture.


Liberation Afrique
Solidarité internationale et luttes sociales en Afrique subsaharienne

Accords de Cotonou - Europe/ACP . Agriculture - Accès à la terre . Conflits armés . Droits Humains . Eau . Environnement . Financement du développement . FMI et Banque mondiale . Forums sociaux . Françafrique . Habitat . Littérature et résistances . Luttes des femmes . Médias . Mémoire de la décolonisation . Migrations . Nepad . OGM . OMC - AGOA - Commerce international . Pillage des ressources . Privatisations . Racisme - Esclavage - Réparations . Santé . Solidarité internationale . Syndicalisme . VIH-Sida


Martin Lings: Muhammad, su vida basada en las fuentes más antiguas


Judith van de Looy:
Africa and China, A Strategic Partnership?

Leiden: African Studies Centre, ASC Working Paper no. 67, 2006.


M-O :  

Mans, Minette: Music as Instrument of Diversity and Unity
Notes of a Namibian Landscape

Published by Nordiska Afrikainstitutet

Research Report 124, june 2003

This report explores the interface between recent socio-political changes in Namibia, and the way they are reflected in emergent musical practices and identities within the country. The potential tension between unity and diversity is investigated within musical landscapes in traditional and contemporary frames. Sadly, diversity is often seen to be the precursor of divisiveness rather than a product of human creativity and ingenuity.
Based on a decade of field research undertaken mainly in the north and central areas of Namibia since 1993, this report poses questions about fundamental purposes of music-making, and the conscious response of people to the contemporary Namibian socio-political situation. It provides a broad overview of music emanating from different cultural practices in Namibia, and relates this to the State's political strategies for ensuring unity and nation-building through policy-making, education and broadcast media. The changes that occur in musical practices are seen as strategic cultural choices and ongoing identity-formation.


M inette Mans (ed.): Centering on African Practice in Musical Arts Education

African Minds, South Africa, 2006. 276 pp.

This collection brings together many African voices expressing their ideas and conceptions of musical practice and arts education in Africa. With essays from established scholars in the field as well as young researchers and educators, and topics ranging from philosophical arguments and ethno-musicology to practical class-room ideas, this book will stimulate academic discourse. At the same time, practical ideas and information will assist teachers and students in Africa and elsewhere, bringing fresh musical perspectives on instrument playing, singing, children's literature and play.


Khabele Matlosa:
Political Parties in Southern Africa.
The State of Parties and their Role in Democratization

International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 2007


Matatu - Journal for African Culture and Society
Volume 25/26: "African Cultures, Visual Arts, and the Museum. Sights/Sites of Creativity and Conflict" Edited by Tobias Doring


Achille Mbembe: Essai sur le politique en tant que forme de la dépense

CCCB, Barcelone, 22 pp.

L’étude qui suit se propose d’analyser quelques-unes des manières d’imaginer le politique qui, dans l’Afrique contemporaine, accordent une place centrale à la pensée et à la pratique du pouvoir comme pensée et pratique de la guerre. Telle qu’elle est utilisée ici, la notion de « guerre » ne se réfère pas uniquement à ces moments précis de dramatisation du conflit qui se traduisent par l’affrontement belliqueux des forces,
par une intensification des combats, puis des destructions entraînant des pertes humaines sur les champs de bataille. Cette sorte d’épreuve dont l’issue est, de bout en bout, suspendue au jugement des armes avait été bien étudiée en son temps par Clausewitz. Dans le cas africain, elle a fait, au cours de la décennie passée,
l’objet de chroniques de plus en plus nombreuses et de plus en plus sophistiquées.


Paolo Mefalopulos and Chris Kamlongera: Participatory Communication Strategy Design. A Handbook

SADC Centre of Communication for Development, 2004

The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations or of the SADC Centre of Communication for Devolopment concerning the legal or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.


Andreas Mehler:
Not Always in the People's Interest.
Power-sharing Arrangements in African Peace Agreements

GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies, 2008

Peace agreements form a crucial element of strategies to bring
security from outside: they involve third-party mediators during the
negotiation stage and often peacekeeping troops to guarantee the
agreement at an implementation stage. This paper reviews parts of the
academic debate on power sharing and war termination, touching on some
key findings by the main researchers working on the topic.


Zidane Meriboute:
La fracture islamique: Demain le soufisme?

Dans son analyse de diverses pratiques, de l'islam rigoureux jusqu'à l'islam libéral observé dans plusieurs pays, l'auteur a poussé l'investigation jusqu'à essayer de comprendre l'impact réel de ces tendances sur les droits de la femme, le port du voile, le problème délicat de la sexualité en terre d'Islam, la place de l'individu dans la société, le statut des minorités juives et chrétiennes et les conflits de civilisations.
L'orientation didactique adoptée se veut utile aussi bien pour le grand public que pour les spécialistes. À cet effet, l'auteur s'est surtout attaché à faciliter la tâche de lecteurs soucieux de cerner la nébuleuse d'un monde islamique aussi varié que passionnant.


Timothy Mitchell: Colonising Egypt

University of California Press, 1991.


Le Monde Diplomatique

Le mensuel de réflexion propose des archives, des dossiers...
Deux années d’archives en texte intégral. Recherche par date ; sujet ; pays


Jacques Morel: Calendrier des crimes de la France outre-mer
(L'esprit frappeur)

Depuis la promu
lgation du Code Noir par Louis XIV, jusqu'à l'implication de la France dans le génocide rwandais sous Mitterrand, en passant par les exactions de la colonne Voulet-Chanoine en 1899, ce calendrier d'événements à se remémorer décrit l'action de la France outre-mer à l'opposé des clichés d'une France généreuse apportant la civilisation à des peuples sauvages : le but est d'assujettir, voire de faire de la place pour l'Européen, l'indigène qui se rebelle est exterminé.
Tout en se targuant d'être la patrie de la Déclaration des droits de l'Homme, l'État français continue d'en enfeindre systématiquement le premier article : " Les hommes naissent et demeurent libres et égaux en droits. "


Michael Morris: Every Step of the Way. The journey to freedom in South Africa

HSRC Press, South Africa, 2004, 344pp

In an extraordinary and engaging account this book traces the paths South Africans have followed from pre-colonial times to the democratic present, providing fascinating personal and historical details, and raising provocative questions about the choices, mistakes, contradictions and key themes in the emergence of the complex society that South Africa is today.



Naeem Mohaiemen: Fear of a Muslim Planet. Hip-Hop's Hidden History

Chapter included in Sound Unbound, edited by Paul D. Miller aka DJ Spooky that Subliminal Kid, The MIT Press, 2008


Marie-Hélène Mottin-Sylla: Excision. Les jeunes changent l'Afrique par les TIC

Enda éditions, Dakar, 2009. 126 pp.

Le projet TIC-MGF "Contribution des TIC à l'abandon des MGF en Afrique de l'ouest francophone, rôle citoyen des jeunes" a été conçu et réalisé par ENDA Tiers Monde, avec le soutien du CRDI, avec la participation de trois associations locales de développement de trois villes secondaires du Burkina-Faso, du Mali et du Sénégal. Plusieurs activités combinant différents niveaux et méthodes de recherche, d'action et de formation, menées de manière exploratoire, transdisciplinaire, et participative, ont mis en lumière qu'à l'heure de la société africaine de l'information, l'abandon des MGF en Afrique gagnerait à passer par l'intégration des jeunes et de la problématique de genre aux stratégies et politiques relatives aux MGF axées sur l'exploitation des caractéristiques citoyennes des TIC. La société de l'information impose, en Afrique, une nouvelle vision du développement, axée sur l'innovation conceptuelle et méthodologique, la redéfinition de la gouvernance citoyenne selon les genres, pour atténuer la prégnance du système patriarcal qui aliène les hommes, pénalise les femmes et marginalise les jeunes.






Mupedziswa, Rodreck and Perpetua Gumbo: Women Informal Traders in Harare and the Struggle for Survival in an Environment of Economic Reforms

Published by Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
Research Report 117, june 2001

This report summarises the results of the fourth and final round of interviews carried out among informal sector women traders in Harare, Zimbabwe as part of a longitudinal study of their conditions of work and livelihood in the context of economic crisis and structural adjustment.
The evidence which was available from the interview points to a deepening social crisis in Zimbabwe as attested to by the increasing crisis of subsistence and livelihood among the overwhelming majorette of the informal sector workers.
Far from being the terrain where sections of the populace might be able to find economic liberation, the informal sector is, in fact characterised by serious internal differentiation, very low incomes, and an over-saturation that results in the inability of the women survey to do anything other than struggle at the margins for basic survival.



Roselynn Musa, Faiza Jama Mohammed & Firoze Manji (Eds.):
Breathing Life into the African Union Protocol on Women's Rights in Africa

Published by Fahamu & Solidarity for African Women's Rights Coalition, 2006

The Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People's Rights on Women's Rights is arguably one of Africa's most ground-breaking and progressive rights instruments for gender equality in Africa.

This book is the product of a conference jointly convened in Addis Ababa by the African Union Women, Gender and Development Directorate and Solidarity for African Women's Rights (SOAWR), a coalition of more than 20 gender, human rights and development NGOs. The book is published with the full endorsement and support of the African Union Women, Gender and Development Directorate.

Some examples of topics covered are: the campaign for ratification; SADC and the Protocol; NEPAD and women's rights; HIV/AIDS: a challenge to implementation; and challenge of harmonising the Protocol with national laws.



Hamza Mustafa Njozi: Mwembrechai Killings and the Political Future of Tanzania

Published by: Globalink Communications (Ottawa, Canada, 2000)

On Friday 13 February, 1998 at the instigation of a Catholic priest of Mburahati parish in Dar es Salaam, the Tanzania government ordered its para-military police force to open fire on unarmed Muslims at Mwembechai area, killing at least four of them. It was soon discovered that the seditious claims made by the Catholic priest and repeatedly broadcast on a Catholic radio that Muslims were ridiculing Jesus were a sheer fabrication. Muslims' demands for an independent probe team to investigate the killings were immediately rejected by the Minister for Home Affairs. The government also banned a meeting organised by Muslim women to speak out about the sexual humiliations and indignities they suffered at the hands of male police officers while in remand prison.

In this book Dr. Njozi looks at the Mwembechai killings as a manifestation of a simmering political crisis in Tanzania. The book provides unsettling details about religious discrimination in a country which is thought by many as setting a shining example to rest of the world. Tha author's analysis of the looming political tragedy in Tanzania is both illuminating and sympathetic.


J. Ndaya
'Prendre le bic'. Le Combat Spirituel congolais et les tranformations sociales

Leiden: African Studies Centre,
African studies collection 7, 2007.


Northeast African Studies

Volume 6, Number 1-2, 1999. Michigan State University Press.

Northeast African Studies, the leading scholarly journal on Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, and Djibouti, is published three times a year. The journal's founding editor, Harold G. Marcus, had a vision: to publish widely across disciplines and thus to present a panoramic and interrogative view of the political and cultural landscapes of the Horn of Africa.


Lungisile Ntsebeza; Ruth Hall (eds.):
The Land Question in South Africa. The challenge of transformation and redistribution

HSRC Press, South Africa, 2006, 264pp

The extent to which indigenous people were dispossessed of their land by whites in South Africa under colonial rule and apartheid has no parallels on the African continent.


Francis B. Nyamnjoh: A Relevant Education for African Development - Some Epistemological Considerations

Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa
Africa Development, vol. XXXIX, n.1, 2004


Zawadi Nyong'o: " When I dare to be powerful…" On the Road to a Sexual Rights
Movement in East Africa

Akina Mama wa Afrika, 2010. 136 pp.

This publication breaks the silence regarding women's sexuality. Governments, women's rights activists and other social movements, often fail to understand the
connection between sex work, forced early marriage, land rights, poverty, education, property and
inheritance rights. We need to understand the politics behind sexuality, sexual rights and sex work because the liberation of all women, the equitable distribution of power and resources, and the ability to control our own bodies are indeed critical to our feminist agenda.
This breakthrough work is in line with AMwA's core mandates of creating space for African Women to
SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. It allows sex workers to speak for themselves; claim their spaces and share their stories. "When I Dare to Be Powerful" redefines African sex workers; giving the power back to them and their struggles.

Obi, Cyril I.:
NO CHOICE, BUT DEMOCRACY: Prising the People out of Politics in Africa?

Claude Ake Memorial Paper Series (CAMP)

Uppsala universitet/Department of Peace and Conflict Research



Okuku, Juma:
Ethnicity, State Power and the Democratisation Process in Uganda

Published by Nordiska Afrikainstitutet

Discussion Papers 17 sept. 2002

One of the post-independence political concerns in Uganda today is that ethnicity has been detrimental to national unity, democracy and development. There is no doubt that the conflicts in Uganda have all had ethnicity as one of the driving factors. The central problem has been the politisation of ethnicity, that is, its use for purposes of group mobilisation in social conflicts that also involve the state. However, ethnicity cannot be taken as a given. The problem is not of ethnicity in itself. Ethnicity is more intimately linked to political and economic conditions such as the unequal distribution of and competition for power and wealth.
This paper critically review the impact of ethnicity on the democratisation process in Uganda from colonialism to the present. The paper is divided into four parts. Part one is a theoretical overview of the issues of ethnicity and democratisation. Part two examines the nature of ethnicity construction and expression in the colonial period. Part three looks at the post-colonial political practices and their enhancement of ethnicity in Uganda. Part four discusses the possibility of deconstruction of ethnicity through democratisation and the 'no-party movement'-system. In conclusion, the contention is that there is a need to understand the substantive underlying political, economic and social configurations that enhance ethnicity rather than denouncing them.


P-R :  

Pan African Visions

Pan African Visions is a forum for genuine analyses, frank and focused debates, constructive criticisms and concrete ideas to showcase the genius that lies within the African mindset as the continent and its people strive to move out of the ghetto that it has been wrongly labeled with, and relegated to, in the global village that the world has become. It is born out of the desire to come out with a publication that accompanies the continent as it makes positive strides in meeting up with the challenges of the 21st century. As a website it will compliment existing publications with the difference that it will focus more attention on that which is positive about Africa, the progress that it is making, and the capabilities and potentials it has to brace multi-faceted challenges.

With the increasing emergence of democratic governments, a more ambitious African Union, increasing efforts on the part of a growing new generation of leaders to get Africa more actively involved in the quest for solutions to its problems, the formulation of credit worthy blue prints like the New Partnership For African Development , the African Peer Review Mechanism, a more vibrant civil society,the frontline role its women are taking et al, African Visions will compliment similar ventures in marketing the success stories from Africa.


Arnold Pannenborg:
How to win a football match in Cameroon.
An anthropological study of Africa's most popular sport

Leiden: African Studies Centre,
African Studies Collection no. 8, 2008.




- rEVOlució Morales?. Jordi Urgell
- Retalls de premsa. Isabel Ruíz
- Del diàleg entre religions al diàleg entre sacralitzacions. Joan Casañas
- Àfrica pot alimentar l'Àfrica. Carme Arís, Jordi Prat, Rita Huybens i Xavi Zulet. Assistents al FSM de Bamako (Mali)
- Un altre feminisme: Àfrica. Entrevista a Sara Longwe (FEMNET). Sara Bastardes
- El cinema dels pobles indígenes. Isabel Ruíz


Peuples Noirs - Peuples Africains

L'idée de cette revue est d'abord née de l'écoeurement d'un couple qui, militant pour l'application des droits de l'homme aux prisonniers politiques d'Afrique francophone, et en particulier du Cameroun, prit avec effarement la mesure de l'extraordinaire muraille de Chine invisible dressée par Paris autour de ses chasses gardées du continent noir, paradis intouchables et d'ailleurs inabordables de la dictature, de la torture, du camp de concentration et de combien d'autres fleurs de haute civilisation.

Éditée par Mongo Beti et Odile Tobner des 1978 jusqu'à 1991.


Gerald J Pillay: Voices of Liberation volume 1: Albert Lutuli

HSRC Press, South Africa, 1993, 178pp

This biography introduces the reader to Albert Lutuli, erstwhile President of the ANC and the first African to win the Nobel Peace Prize. The book includes a collection of his speeches and writings as well as excerpts from his evidence presented at the Rivonia Trial.


PLAAS (Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies): Research repost and Working papers

The Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS) is a leading research and teaching centre with an international reputation for high quality applied research and critical scholarship.


Politique Africaine

Publiée par les éditions Karthala, Politique Africaine est une revue pluridisciplinaire d'analyse du politique en Afrique. Créée au début des années 1980 en rupture avec les approches dominantes, elle s'est imposée en France et à l'étranger, comme une publication de référence pour l'ensemble de la communauté "africaniste" internationale.


Postcolonial Text

Postcolonial Text is a refereed open access journal that publishes articles, book reviews, interviews, poetry and fiction on postcolonial, transnational, and indigenous themes.


Press Afrique

Webmagazine citoyen d'information et de réflexion sur la Françafrique
& le néocolonialisme en Afrique.


ProudFlesh: Afrikan Journal of Culture, Politics, and Consciousness

PROUDFLESH promotes Black Life, its Culture, Politics and Consciousness, for "All Over the World" Afrikans, in a world that seeks to take Black life away.
We aim to be youthful and old in perspective, both fresh and wise. We are about creation, opposition, and more with respect to mind, body and spirit.
Socially. Economically. Artistically. Sexually. Critically, we seek revolutionary words and strive to make them flesh.



Pueblos es una publicación trimestral de información y debate, vinculada a los movimientos sociales y con una clara vocación internacional. Se trata de una apuesta editorial por la solidaridad y la interculturalidad, cuyo fin es proporcionar una mirada crítica sobre la realidad.
A través de sus ediciones impresa y digital, la revista pretende consolidar un instrumento de comunicación que sirva para ayudar a fortalecer e impulsar nexos entre organizaciones del Norte y del Sur que trabajan en procesos de transformación social.
Su vocación es aunar esfuerzos y trabajar en red, sumando cada día más
voces y tratando de complementarse con otros proyectos e iniciativas
de comunicación alternativa.


Lesego Rampolokeng: Blackheart (Epilogue to insanity)

The latest novel by one of the most exciting poets from South Africa, 2004



Eva M. Rathgeber and Edith Ofwona Adera (eds.): Gender and the information revolution in Africa

IDRC 2000, 266 pp.

Information is universally acknowledged to be a lynchpin of sustainable and equitable development. In Africa, however, access to information is limited, and especially so for rural women. The new information and communication technologies (ICTs), centred mostly on the Internet, provide potential to redress this imbalance.

The essays in this book examine the current and potential impact of the ICT explosion in Africa. They focus specifically on gender issues and analyze the extent to which women's needs and preferences are being served. The authors underscore the need for information to be made directly relevant to the needs of rural women, whether in the areas of agriculture, health, microenterprise, or education. They argue that it is not enough for women simply to be passive participants in the development of ICTs in Africa. Women must also be decision-makers and actors in the process of using the new ICTs to accelerate African economic, social, and political development.


Réseau Genre et TIC: "Citoyennes africaines de la société de l'information:
manuel de première urgence à l'intention des décideurs"

ENDA éditions, Dakar, 2004

Ce manuel traite, du point de vue des femmes, des enjeux liés à l’entrée des pays africains dans la société de l’information. Il présente, à l’intention des décideurs et acteurs publics, civils et privés, un plaidoyer sur la prise en compte du genre dans les politiques de TIC pour une société africaine de l’information juste, plurielle et inclusive.


Réseau Genre et TIC: "Fracture numérique de genre, une inquiétante réalité"

ENDA éditions, Dakar, 2005

La recherche sur la fracture numérique de genre en Afrique francophone, réalisée par le Réseau genre et TIC, établit que, dans les six pays étudiés (Bénin,
Burkina-Faso, Cameroun, Mali, Mauritanie et Sénégal) les femmes ont globalement un tiers de chances en moins que les hommes de bénéficier des avantages de la société africaine de l’information et que les liens politiques entre les questions de genre et de TIC y sont largement méconnues. Les preuves quantitatives et qualitatives qu’elle présente, justifiant les alertes lancées par les spécialistes des questions de genre dans la société de l’information, appellent, de la part des décideurs politiques publics et civils, à la mise en œuvre d’actions pour une société plus juste et inclusive en termes de genre.


Revue Africaine de Sociologie / African Sociological Review

La Revue africaine de sociologie est une publication semestrielle du CODESRIA. Les articles et autres communications scientifiques d'universitaires d'Afrique et d'ailleurs sur la problématique des analyses sociales ou d'ordre général sont les bienvenus. La vocation première de la Revue est de servir de support au développement de la pensée sociologique et anthropologique au sein de la communauté des chercheurs africains.


Linda Richter; Robert Morrell (eds.): Baba. Men and Fatherhood in South Africa

HSRC Press, South Africa, 2005, 416pp

Baba: Men and Fatherhood in South Africa provides answers to some of the most difficult questions about fatherhood in South Africa: Who is a father? What does it mean to be a father? Is it important for fathers to do more for children in a world that assumes that mothers take the primary parenting role? Do different people understand fatherhood in different ways? What evidence is there of new fatherhood styles emerging in South Africa?


Walter Rodney: How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

Published by: Bogle-L'Ouverture Publications, London and Tanzanian Publishing House, Dar-Es-Salaam 1973, Transcript from 6th reprint, 1983


Eduardo Romero: Quién invade a quién. El Plan África y la inmigración
Cambalache, diciembre 2006

Dotarnos de razones para combatir el racismo contra la población inmigrante. Denunciar la política imperialista sobre África. Analizar la "lucha contra la inmigración ilegal" y la "lucha contra el terrorismo" como excusas para la penetración económica, política y militar en los países africanos. Mostrar el papel de la ayuda al desarrollo en esta estrategia recolonizadora. En fin, frente a la política de vallas, muros y buques de guerra, explicar quién invade a quién.


Eduardo Romero: Un deseo apasionado de trabajo más barato y servicial.
Migraciones, fronteras y capitalismo

Cambalache, Asturias, 2010.

"El 1 de enero de 2010 la población inmigrante empadronada en el Estado español ascendía a 5,7 millones de personas. Pese al recrudecimiento de los controles policiales racistas, del encarcelamiento en los Centros de Internamiento de Extranjeros y de las expulsiones, la política migratoria española no ha producido fundamentalmente inmigrantes expulsados sino inmigrantes amenazados de expulsión. El análisis de la Ley de Extranjería y su contextualización histórica en la historia de las migraciones en el capitalismo europeo revela el verdadero sentido de la política migratoria: instalar el miedo y la inseguridad para la explotación de un trabajo barato y servicial, imprescindible para el crecimiento de la economía española. La crisis no traerá consigo el retorno masivo de la población inmigrante, sino la intensificación de este modelo ".


Rumi: Masnavi.

(English translation)

The "Masnavi" is Rumi's greatest poetic work, composed during the last years of his life. He began it when he was between the ages of 54-57 [about 1258-1261]1 and continued composing its verses until he died in 1273 (with the last story remaining incomplete). It is a compendium of sufi stories, ethical teachings, and mystical teachings. It is deeply permeated with Qur'anic meanings and references. Rumi himself called the Masnavi "the roots of the roots of the roots of the (Islamic) Religion... and the explainer of the Qur'an [wa huwa uSûlu uSûlu uSûlu 'd-dîn... was kashshâf al- Qur'ân] (Masnavi, Book I, Preface).


S-T :  

Nawal al Saadawi




Fedwa Malti-Douglas: Men, Women and God(s).
Nawal El Sadawi and Arab Feminist Poetics




M. A. Mohamed Salihand Per Nordlund:
Political Parties in Africa.
Challenges for Sustained Multiparty Democracy
Africa Regional Report Based on research and dialogue with political parties

International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 2007


Saraba Magazine

We publish an electronic magazine which is distributed free to literary enthusiasts across Nigeria and other parts of the world. Through our website, we are able to publish the best of contemporary creative writing online. Also, we publish chapbooks. Our first chapbook is a collection of poems by six emerging writers and was guest edited by Tade Ipadeola, poet and lawyer.


SAVVY | art.contemporary.african

The aim of this bilingual journal is to revitalise an open and academic discourse on contemporary artistic positions and art projects related to Africa and its Diaspora. The journal strives, on the one hand, at partaking in and steering the current debate on contemporary African art, and on the other hand at formulating and instigating new critical questions, positions and discourses. SAVVY | art.contemporary.african. aims, with zeal and zest, not only at shading light on these issues but also at paving the way for a new generation, as well as a shift in the subject matter from the defensive‚ colonial, post-/ Neo-colonial focus to an offensive, self-confident and interdisciplinary cultural, fine art and art historical nucleus. A further focal point is the art scene in the German-speaking countries, where this journal is the first of its kind and where the methodologies of curating contemporary African art need to be investigated.


Frithjof Schuon: Comprender el Islam
José J. de Olañeta, editor (1987, 2001)

Uno de los libros más importantes sobre el Islam, comprendido en su esencia y en su razón de ser.



Kathleen Seidel:
Serving the guest

A cookbook with essays & anecdotes on the historic & contemporary role of food, eating, meals & hospitality in Sufism, the mystical tradition of Islam.


Sharq Al-Andalus

La revista científica Sharq Al-Andalus. Estudios Árabes fue fundada en 1984 por los profesores Míkel de Epalza y María Jesús Rubiera del Área de Estudios Árabes e Islámicos de la Universidad de Alicante, para publicar fundamentalmente trabajos de investigación históricos relativos a las tierras del Levante de la Península Ibérica en época musulmana y de ahí su nombre de Sharq Al-Andalus.
(Números de 1992 al 2002)


Issa G. Shivji:
Silences in NGO discourse. The role and future of NGOs in Africa

The distinguished scholar presents perspectives on the historical, political and philosophical contexts that govern the evolution and place of NGOs in Africa today.

In two extensive essays, he argues the role of NGOs in Africa cannot be understood without clear characterisation of the current historical moment: that to 'make poverty history' we must first 'understand the history of poverty' and 'make imperialism history'. Shivji argues that despite some good intentions, NGOs have uncritically situated themselves within neoliberal and donor-driven discourses.


Tabona Shoko:
My bones shall rise again. War veterans, spirits and land reform in Zimbabwe

Leiden: African Studies Centre, ASC Working Paper no. 68, 2006.


AbdouMaliq Simone: For the City Yet to Come. Remaking Urban Life in Africa

Conference lectured at the cycle "Mapping Africa", Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona, 17 February 2003 (18 pp.)


Olanrewaju B. Smith (ed.): Urban Agriculture in West Africa. Contributing to Food Security and Urban Sanitation / Agriculture urbaine en Afrique de l'Ouest. Une contribution à la sécurité alimentaire et à l'assainissement des villes

IDRC/CTA 1999, 240 pp.

This book describes the valuable contribution that urban agriculture is making to food security and urban sanitation in the cities of West and Central. It also presents a strategy for launching a multistakeholder network on urban agriculture, and does so with input and support from producers; NGOs; national, regional, and international research institutions; donors; and policymakers and government officials at both the municipal and national levels.


Nelly E Sonderling (ed.): New Dictionary of South African Biography

HSRC Press, South Africa, 1999, 312pp

A valuable reference work and source of inspiration, this biographical dictionary lists the life histories of people who have contributed significantly to the course of South African history but who have not been widely recognised. Illustrated entries include extra-parliamentary political leaders, leaders from marginalised communities, women and other pioneers.
It is not only the lives of the illustrious minority who achieve greatness that have much to teach us, but also those less famous who inspire and help to build a nation. This volume offers the biographies of journalists Percy Qoboza, Nata Nakasa and George Heard, composers such as Todd Matshikiza, writers such as Bloke Modisane, community leaders, social scientists, educationists and many more.



An expanded version of the Sudan Open Archive (SOA) is now online. The
new version - SOA 2.0 - features an improved user interface and open
access to a thousand books and documents on all aspects of Sudan. The
Archive makes a wide range of material available - and searchable - in
digital form for the first time. It also incorporates an internet
guide with links to several hundred Sudan-related websites. SOA 2.0
includes dictionaries, material on human rights and environmental
issues and a collection of reports on local peace meetings in north
and south Sudan.


Sudanic Africa

Sudanic Africa is an international academic journal devoted to the
presentation and discussion of historical sources on the Sudanic
belt, the area between the Sahara and the Bay of Niger, the Atlantic
and the Indian Oceans. The journal typically presents such sources in
the original language and in translation, with comments.


Ustaz Mahmoud Mohammed Taha: An Introduction To The Second Message of Islam

(Translated into English by Dr. Abdullahi An-Na'iem)

Islamic philosopher and politic, Taha was killed in the 80's by the dictatorship of Sudan because his revolutionary interpretation of Islam and its dangerous spreading of his teachings among Sudanic people.


Ustaz Mahmoud Mohammed Taha: Towards The Second Message of Islam

(Translated into English by Dr. Abdullahi An-Na'iem)

Islamic philosopher and politic, Taha was killed in the 80's by the dictatorship of Sudan because his revolutionary interpretation of Islam and its dangerous spreading of his teachings among Sudanic people.


Ustaz Mahmoud Mohammed Taha


Revue africaine de sciences sociales et de culture

Fondée en 1992 par Fabien Eboussi Boulaga

Vous y trouverez des études pluridisciplinaires d'un thème, d'un domaine ou d'une région. Telle sera la rubrique dominante qui, métaphore et métonymie tout à la fois, donne son nom à ce périodique.
Le contenu comprendra, en outre, des dossiers d'information critique variés, des articles destinés à provoquer la discussion ou la controverse du fait des questions soulevées ou de propositions créatrices ou audacieuses, enfin des notes de lecture, de critique d'art.

La revue s'adresse avant tout à ceux qui souhaitent allier la connaissance et l'analyse des réalités les plus concrètes de notre société avec la conscience des problèmes et des enjeux où se décident notre survie et notre devenir. Elle se résigne d'avance à être négligée par ceux qui ne recherchent que le divertissement paresseux ou la confirmation de leurs préjugés ou de leurs passions. C'est que TERROIRS voudrait donner à penser.


Therborn, Göran (Ed.): African Families in a Global Context

Published by Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
Research Report 131 dec. 2006

The family is one of the most important institutions of African societies. Where is it going today? How is it affected by global processes, cultural and political as well as economic? How does it compare with family developments in other parts of the world? These are questions, which this report addresses. It deals with - the African family in a comparative global context, focusing on patriarchy, sexuality and marriage, and fertility;- biological and social reproduction in Ghana under conditions of globalization and structural adjustment;- Nigerian marriage relations under the impact of current conditions;- family changes in the North (Britain) viewed from and compared with a family perspective from the South (South Africa).


Trans, Revista Transcultural de Música
Transcultural Music Review

n. 11 (2007)

Dossier: Música de África
Dossier: African music



U-Z :  

Uganda Communications Commission: Funding and implementing universal access. Innovation and Experience from Uganda
Fountain Publishers/CRDI 2005, 100 p.

Uganda was one of the first countries in Africa to develop a policy on universal access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) and to implement a universal access fund, designed to support initiatives aimed at improving access to ICTs for poor and rural populations. Today, Uganda's universal access policy and rural communications development fund are generally seen as best practice.

This book presents the Ugandan experience - an experience that was unique because of the country's early liberalization of the communication sector and mobile explosion. Regulators, policy advisors, and government officials, both within and outside Africa, will find this book useful as they develop their own policies, strategies, and implementation plans for universal access.



Mats Utas: Sexual Abuse Survivors and and the Complex of Traditional Healing. (G)local Prospects in the Aftermath of an African War

Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2009. 56 pp.

In its efforts to assist post-conflict societies in Africa the international aid community has acitvely promoted projects of psycho-social healing among people traumatized during wars and violent conflict. To a large degree these projects have been established in the tradtion of Western psychology. More recently, however, it has been realized in order to help survivors of war effectivley it is necessary to adapt projects and enhance "local" psycho-social healing. This policy report locates the structures - with local legitimacy - that are available to young people who experienced sexual abuse during the Sierra Leone civil war (1991-2002). To this end, this booklet discusses a healing complex that comprises a number of overlapping actors, including herbalists, Zoe Mammies (heads of the female secret societies), Mori-men (Muslim healers); Karamokos (Muslim teachers) and Christian pastors.



Verde Islam


Islam fue una de las revistas, escritas en español, más importantes de los últimos años en tratar al Islam desde dentro. Dirigida por musulmanes españoles, sus contenidos continúan siendo herramientas precisas para profundizar en las diferentes capas que todo saber contiene.


Ritu Verma: Gender, land, and livelihoods in East Africa. Through Farmers' Eyes
CRDI 2001, 280 p.

In rural Africa and the Middle East, many ecosystems are on the verge of collapse. The interplay of social, ecological, and political-economic forces has compromised the ability of farmers to sustain their precious soil. As a result, farmers, and especially women farmers, face a constant daily struggle to survive.

This book illustrates in rich detail the complexity and diversity of women's lives in Maragoli, western Kenya, as they work to sustain their soils and negotiate a plethora of competing demands and constraints in an increasingly stressful economic environment. With extensive use of personal narratives and photographs from the farmers of Maragoli, this book demonstrates that soil degradation is not simply a function of population pressure and ignorance; rather, it is embedded in gender relations and complex struggles at the local level.


François-Xavier Verschave: France Afrique, le crime continue (Tahin Party, 2000)

Depuis quarante ans, la politique française en Afrique est la continuation de l'ancienne logique coloniale : une suite d'actes criminels et de profits gigantesques.
Corruption, meurtres, guerres, soutien aux dictatures, détournement de l'aide publique au développement... tous les moyens sont bons pour mettre la main sur les ressources des pays africains.
Dans ce réquisitoire contre la Françafrique, François-Xavier Verschave accuse notamment l'entreprise Elf et les réseaux Foccart, Pasqua ou Mitterand.


François-Xavier Verschave: La lutte contre la Françafrique. Une histoire personnelle et collective.

Extrait de "La Françafrique, le plus long scandale de la République" (Stock 1999)
p 36-55 chapitre 3

[LIVRE (extrait)] [ RTF] [FRANÇAIS]

Camille de Vitry: L'or nègre

Tahin Party, 2009. 176 pp.

En 2004, François-Xavier Verschave, mon époux, souhaitait rédiger un ouvrage destiné au grand public pour faire comprendre ce qu'il a appelé la " mafiafrique ".
À partir de scènes de vie quotidienne et de témoignages d'habitants d'une région d'Afrique, il voulait mettre en lumière, en les reconstituant, les mécanismes institutionnels, politiques et financiers à l'origine de situations intolérables, symboles de l'aliénation par l'Occident de tout un continent.
En 2002 et 2003, Camille de Vitry avait recueilli le témoignage des habitants de Sadiola au Mali. Ses films ont révélé un mode inimaginable d'exploitation de l'or, responsable de graves problèmes sanitaires et qui repose sur des conditions de travail insupportables. François s'était alors investi dans un travail minutieux pour recouper les informations existantes en vue d'une publication commune avec Camille et les ressortissants de Sadiola. Ce projet ne verra jamais le jour : François est décédé le 29 juin 2005...
Merci à Camille d'avoir écrit ce " roman " pour révéler, au travers de son itinéraire personnel et de sa découverte du Mali, une réalité mal connue. Au fil de son histoire, elle intègre certains éléments de travail de François sur ce dossier, rédigés en 2004 et au début de l'année suivante. Elle contribue de manière formidable à la sensibilisation de nos concitoyens et amorce l'immense travail d'information qu'il faut poursuivre.


Eva de Vitray-Meyerovitch: Islam, otro rostro.
Entrevistas con Rachel y Jean-Pierre Cartier.

Traducción al español de Hawwa Morales

Eva de Vitray fue traductora al francés de Rumi y una de las intelectuales más firmes y apasionantes (no sólo de Francia, sinó del siglo XX). Estas entrevistas, donde cuenta sus vivencias y sus opiniones, son imprescindibles para acercarnos un poco más a un tipo de pensamiento islámico muy necesario para los tiempos que corren...


Estudios Postcoloniales. Ensayos fundamentales

Con Sandro Mezzadra, Gayatri Chakravoty Spivark, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Ella Shohat, Stuart Hall, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Achille Mbembe, Robert J. C. Young, Nirmal Puwar, Federico Rahola

Edita: Traficantes de sueños, Madrid, 2008

Lejos de manifestar el enésimo síntoma de una era privada de la imaginación suficiente como para dotarse de nombres propios, lo postcolonial marca un tiempo de transición en el que lo antiguo permanece todavía entre nosotros, constituyendo un presente que aún no ha encontrado su forma paradigmática. En este sentido, lo postcolonial señala el fin de una época, la de los grandes imperios coloniales, seguida de la independencia del dominio colonial directo y la formación de nuevos Estados, a la vez que la emergencia de nuevas relaciones de dominio que sólo pueden ser consideradas a la luz de la reinvención de los viejos dispositivos coloniales. El mundo postcolonial viene así encarnado por la persistencia de muchos de los efectos de la colonización implicados en el desplazamiento del eje colonizador/colonizado y en su interiorización dentro de la sociedad actual. Indicaría una nueva situación significada por una transversalidad de origen colonial que ahora puede ser encontrada, revisada, en cada rincón del planeta. De este modo, lo postcolonial no sólo destaca las nuevas relaciones de dependencia y dominio del Norte sobre el Sur, sino la irrupción plena y exuberante de las "colonias" en las "metrópolis": el crisol étnico de las grandes ciudades, la aplicación de formas de derecho neocolonial sobre migrantes y minorías, la reactualización permanente del racismo como forma de gobierno y el tesoro, a la espera tan sólo de nuevos herederos, de las luchas anticoloniales.


Etudes des cas du Kenya, du Mali, de la République Démocratique du Congo et du

Février 2003


VV.AA.: Passive Resistance 1946 - A Selection of Documents


Passive Resistance 1946 - A Selection of Documents, is a record of the second resistance movements waged by Indians in the country; the first was waged by Gandhi at the beginning of the century. The 1946 Campaign was seminal in the gestation of the anti-apartheid front, at home and abroad. it was the forerunner to the Defiance of Unjust Laws Campaign, organised jointly by the South African Indian Congress and African National Congress; it placed the issue of racism on the sanctions against South Africa. This is the first comprehensive record of that campaign, and fills a crucial gap in our history.


VV.AA: The West and the Muslim World. A Muslim Position
Salwa Bakr, Basem Ezbidi, Dato' Mohammed Jawhar Hassan, Fikret Karcic, Hanan Kassab-Hassan, Mazhar Zaidi.

Appraisal of Western-Muslim relations compiled by six intellectuals from countries strongly influenced by Islam, namely Salwa Bakr (Egypt), Basem Ezbidi (Palestinian Territories), Dato' Mohammed Jawhar Hassan (Malaysia), Fikret Karcic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Hanan Kassab-Hassan (Syria) and Mazhar Zaidi (Pakistan).

The Report addresses the historical roots of the confrontation between the West and the Islamic world, identifies stereotypes and prejudices, and draws a line through to the causes and effects of the September 11 attacks and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The essays include recommendations and core points for how we can jointly shape the future.

Published by: Institut für Auslandbeziehungen (ifa) Stuttgart, within the ifa forum Dialogue and Mutual Understanding, 2004


VV.AA.: ACTES del Congrés Àfrica Camina (gener del 2004).

- Jokin Alberdi Bidaguren: Seguridad humana en Sudáfrica: balance y retos de un decenio sin Apartheid
- Molefi Kete Asante: In search of an afrocentric historiography
- Shiferaw Bekele: The Chronicle of Tecle Giyorgis I (first r. 1779-1784)
- Philip Burnham & José Muñoz: Prospecting for political spaces in Cameroon
- Michel Cahen: El potencial revolucionario de una categoría desechada: la etnia y las ciencias sociales aplicadas en África
- Alicia Campos Serrano: Cooperación y democracia en Guinea Ecuatorial y Mozambique
- Maria Cardeira: De que género é o Norte de África? Reflexões em torno da produção de antropologia, género e território em contexto africano
- Carlos Cardoso: A diáspora africana no contexto da globalização: entre a integração social e a cidadania política
- Christian Coulon: Que sont les Marabouts devenus? Les dynamiques de l´Islam maraboutique au Senegal
- Papa Demba Fall: Les sénégalais au Kwazulu-Natal (Afrique du Sud) ou les "naufragés" de la migration internationale
- Jean-Pierre Dozon: La crise ivoirienne à la lumière d´une "refondation nationale" et de l´implication de la France
- Marzia Grassi: Informalidade e comércio transnacional: estudo de caso em Cabo Verde
- Mbuyi Kabunda: La democracia en África: entre la recuperación de la tradición y la integración en la economía global
- Koffi Kouassi Denos: El itinerario de un conflico previsible: las causas profundas de la guerra civil marfileña
- Serge Latouche: L´Afrique peut-elle contribuer a résoudre la crise de l´Occident?
- Carlos Manuel Lopes: Informalidade e desenvolvimento: algumas pistas para reflexão
- Ahmed Mahiou: Remarques sur l´évolution du système politique algérien
- Jean-Claude Marut: Y a-t-il un modèle sénégalais de résolution des conflits?
- Carlos Oya: El modelo del Banco Mundial para África: ¿hacia un consenso internacional?
- M.L. Rodrigues de Areia: O multiculturalismo em contexto afro-americano: o verso e o reverso.
- Gerhard Seibert: O fenómeno da proliferação das igrejas espirituais nos bairros peri-urbanos
- Ibrahim K. Sundiata: Africa in the diasporic gaze
- José Carlos Venâncio: Jaime Bunda versus Sem Medo. Nacionalismoe e estado pós-colonial em Angola no registo de um dos seus escritores


VV.AA.: Mapas de África Reconfigurar un continente
Autores: Zakes Mda, Patrick Chabal, Achille Mbembe, Ramón Lobo, Christian Thibon, Francisco Javier Peñas, Alberto López Bargados, Ali Mazrui, AbdouMaliq Simone

CCCB, Barcelona, 2003.

Esta edición digital recoge las ponencias del seminario "Mapas de África. Reconfigurar un continente", un seminario dirigido a impulsar la investigación y el debate acerca de las realidades políticas y sociales del continente africano. Este seminario contó con la participación de destacados pensadores que, desde diferentes disciplinas (política, sociología, antropología, periodismo, demografía, arte), ayudaron a componer un mapa de los principales retos de la sociedad africana actual. Lejos de reproducir los recurrentes esquemas occidentales sobre el continente, este ciclo se centró en la complejidad de formas (autóctonas, modernas, foráneas, tradicionales) que constituyen la base de una vía propia a la modernidad.


VV.AA.: Ventes d'armes françaises et mondiales.
Ventes d'armes françaises, ventes d'armes mondiales, législations, présentation du rapport annuel publié par l'Observatoire, Etats soumis aux embargos sur les armes, etc.


Survivors. Women affected by gun violence speak out

IANSA, 2009. 20 pp.

'Survivors' presents women's experiences of gun violence in their own words. These experiences range from torture in Central Africa to domestic violence in Europe; from cross.re in Asia to grieving the loss of a murdered child in the Americas. Harrowing and at times hopeful, the 16 stories paint a picture of the impact of guns on ordinary women's lives.
Most of the stories take place at home. Unlike men, women are more likely to encounter gun violence in the home than in public places.


VV.AA.: The impact of guns on women's lives

International Action Network on Small Arms, 2005. 76 pp.

This report looks at the impact on women of guns in the home, in communities and during and after conflict. In each of these contexts, it looks at violence
committed with guns against women, the role women play in gun use, and the
campaigns women are spearheading against gun violence.


VV.AA.: Diccionario de Literatura del África subsahariana

Translit/Virus, Barcelona, 2001. 155 pags.


VV.AA.: Femmes écrivains

Ce site propose un survol des ouvrages publiés en français par les femmes écrivains du continent africain. Il vous permet de découvrir leurs romans, leurs nouvelles, leurs pièces de théâtre, leur poésie, quelques textes inédits et des interviews.


VV.AA.: Women and Peace in Africa.
Case studies on traditional conflict resolution practices

The collection of case studies that follows results from work undertaken during
the mid-nineties within the framework of the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Women and Culture of Peace
Programme (1996-2001). They vary in length and depth of analysis, and reflect
the styles of the various authors. This variation is also reflected in the use of
different methodological approaches to evaluate the role of women and peace in
the six African cases and so present an interesting collage of traditional conflict
resolution and peace-building practices.


Anke van Vuuren:
Female-headed Households. Their Survival Strategies in Tanzania.

Leiden: African Studies Centre, ASC Working Paper no. 44, 2000.


West Africa Review

West Africa Review is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal, devoted to research on the countries, societies, and peoples from Cape Verde to Cameroun. It provides a much-needed forum for original work and works of synthesis being done by scholars of West Africa in and outside of the region West Africa Review facilitates productive exchanges among scholars of the region wherever they may be.


Louise White: Speaking with Vampires. Rumor and History in Colonial Africa

University of California Press, 1999.

This book takes these stories at face value, as everyday descriptions of extraordinary occurrences. My analysis is located firmly in the stories: they are about fire stations, injections, and overalls, and they record history with descriptions of fire stations and injections. These are tools with which to write colonial history. The power and uncertainty of these stories-no one knew exactly what Europeans did with African blood, but people were convinced that they took it-makes them an especially rich historical source, I think. They report the aggressive carelessness of colonial extractions and ascribe potent and intimate meanings to them. Some of the stories in this book locate pits in the small rooms of Nairobi prostitutes in the late 1920s. Others relocate the Tanganyikan Game Department in the rural areas of Northern Rhodesia in the early 1930s. Such confusions offer historians a glimpse of the world as seen by people who saw boundaries and bodies located and penetrated. The inaccuracies in these stories make them exceptionally reliable historical sources as well: they offer historians a way to see the world the way the storytellers did, as a world of vulnerability and unreasonable relationships. These stories of bloodsucking firemen or game rangers, pits and injections, allow historians a vision of colonial worlds replete with all the messy categories and meandering epistemologies many Africans used to describe the extractions and invasions with which they lived.


WorldViews: Africa World Press Guide

Africa World Press Guide is a 200-page annotated guide to educational resources from and about Africa.
Compiled by WorldViews and published by Africa World Press, the guide contains 28 topical chapters and comprehensive lists of Africa-related information.

Africa-Overview / The Nations of Africa / Africa's Peoples / AIDS in Africa / Belief Systems / African Cinema / Conflicts in Africa / Africa's Debt Burden / Democracy / Development / Emergency Relief Aid / Environment / Food and Agriculture / Foreign Intervention (Somalia) / Human Rights / Images of Africa / Labor's Role in Africa / African Literature / Mining in Africa / Music in Africa / Population / Refugees in Africa / South Africa / Struggles Unknown (Sudan and Western Sahara) / Struggles Won (Eritrea and Namibia) / Visual Arts / The Voice of African Women / Women in Africa


Arnaud Zacharie et Véronique Rigot, CNCD:
La privatisation de la filière café au Burundi


Zekeria Ould Ahmed Salem Denna
Le partenariat Union Européenne-Afrique dans l'impasse? Le cas des accords de pêche

Leiden: African Studies Centre,
ASC Working Paper no. 78, 2008.


Hans M. Zell:
Using Google for African Studies Research.
A Guide to Effective Web Searching

Hans Zell Publishing, 2004


Nompumelelo Zungu-Dirwayi; Olive Shisana; Eric Udjo; Thabang Mosala; John Seager (eds.): An Audit of HIV/AIDS Policies in Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe

HSRC Press, South Africa, 2004, 100pp

This comprehensive research study is one of the first to scientifically review and make recommendations on HIV/AIDS policy, legislation, financing and programme implementation in the six Southern African countries of Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe.



Internet resources

Africa's selected internet resources by topics and countries (women, environment, literature, politics, health, languages, music, student organizations, radio stations, human rights, history, science...). Hundreds of links.


Arab world and Islam's selected internet resources by topics and countries (Media, litterature, politics, universities, history, human rights...) Hundreds of links.

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